Taipei x Israel Penpal Project Website: There are 60 schools (elementary to high schools) in total from Taiwan and Israel join this Penpal project executed by Ministry of Education in Israel, Taipei City government, as well as TXI Center and EON Center. Students could experience different education methodology and develop global view as well as making friends from the other country. 來自以色列與台灣從國小到高中共60所學校參與此台以筆友計畫,透過共學讓學生培養國際觀及接觸台以不同形式的教育,並結交異國的朋友。此台以筆友計畫是由以色列教育部、台北市教育局、台灣以色列投資合作中心(TXI Center)以及頤恩萬國教育中心(EON Center)共同執行。